Ihrie Supply Company, Inc.

Plumbing Fixtures & Supplies
About Us
On September 1st, 1972, Edward C. Ihrie, General Manager and stockholder of W.L. Smith Supply Company, agreed to trade his ownership in other Smith stores for Smith's Ownership in the Wilson and Roanoke Rapids stores. This was done and the stores continued under the W.L. Smith Supply name until March 1st, 1973, at which time we changed our name to Ihrie Supply Company, Inc. At that time, there were only seven employees and 8,400 square feet of warehouse space.
Today, we have a total of eight locations, more than 65 employees, and more than 125,000 square feet of warehouse space. Locations added since the two original stores are Morehead City, Raleigh, New Bern, Rocky Mount, Wilmington, Greenville and the Corporate Offices and Central Warehouse in Wilson. Our customer base has increased over the years and will continue to do so as our industry changes with the times. Today, they are plumbing, heating and air conditioning contractors, building contractors, city, county, state and federal governments, military bases, schools, colleges, hardware stores, kitchen and bath shops, builder markets, hospitals and industrial. We are distributors of plumbing, heating, air conditioning and industrial supplies.