Wilson Arts

Art Councils
Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
About Us
Wilson Arts, formerly known as the Arts Council of Wilson (ACW), has been Wilson's local arts agency since April 24th, 1967. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for all citizens by being a hub for artistic experiences that enrich, educate, and entertain the citizens of Wilson County and beyond. Currently we fulfill that mission through participatory and passive programming in visual and performing arts disciplines. Wilson Arts owns the Wilson Arts Center and also manages the Edna Boykin Cultural Center.
Throughout the year, we offer more than six professional gallery exhibits; a professional performance series, the “Boykin Series”; our youth theater education program, ACT! for Youth; educational workshops for adults and children; and camps in visual art and theater. We also offer support to large and small emerging arts organizations through our Grassroots Grant program, and to individual artists to further their career in the arts through the Regional Artist Project Grant.
Our Core Beliefs
- We believe that creativity is for everyone.
- We believe the arts improve a person’s health.
- We believe the arts prepare participants for the work force.
- We believe the arts bring people together.
- We believe the arts drive economic development.
- We believe that the arts strengthen communities.