How is chamber membership like a gym membership?
How is chamber membership like a gym membership?
A metaphor often used to describe a business membership in a local chamber of commerce is that of a gym membership. The comparison goes like this: the gym doesn’t come to you. In order to see any benefit, you have to prioritize going to the gym, put in the requisite “work” and have a diligent routine, while maintaining a certain degree of discipline, and progress through repetition and intensity as your health and fitness improve. Likewise, by attending chamber events and participating in regular chamber programming, a chamber member expands and strengthens a network that can help their business succeed. And just like the gym member who suddenly stops their routine enjoys some short-lived gains until atrophy sets in, the chamber member who neglects the benefits of their business association will eventually find a diminishing network, and fewer resources to benefit their business. In both cases, starting or resuming a habit of participation after a prolonged absence can be difficult, if not discouraging.
Sometimes the gym or chamber habits get abandoned altogether. In the best-case scenarios, “I’ll work out at home” or “I can network on my own”, replaces the memberships designed to provide a structure where fitness and business growth are more attainable. Both of these strategies can certainly yield positive outcomes, but also significantly increase the risk of giving way to the more common refrains: “I don’t have time” or “I’ll get to it tomorrow”. And just like being a chamber member can’t guarantee commercial fortune, a gym membership can’t assure that you’ll be an Olympic athlete. However, both memberships drastically increase the odds of more measured standards of success.
The gym/chamber metaphor is a useful one, and not altogether incorrect, but it is also incomplete. It’s true: being a member who attends chamber events has the same benefits to your business as lifting weights and walking on a treadmill has to your physical fitness. But where chamber membership stands in stark contrast to a gym membership, is that the chamber of commerce works on your behalf even if you never attend a single chamber event! By investing in your local chamber of commerce, you invest in our ability to connect resources back to our market, build awareness about available goods and services, foster cooperation between government and private enterprise, and provide community leaders a forum to exchange ideas on improving our quality of life. All of this only requires a modest annual investment proportionate to the size of your business, and doesn’t require any commitment of time at chamber programming. Imagine a gym membership that automatically made the food you eat a little more nutritious, or your sleep a little more restful, or your endurance a little longer lasting…all without lifting a single dumbbell!
Just like joining a gym for the first time can be intimidating, joining the chamber can seem like a daunting next step in your business journey. However, the staff at the Wilson Chamber of Commerce is ready to welcome you, and serve as your “personal trainer” to chart a path that ensures you get the most out of your membership experience, while making your business – and our business community – a bit more healthy.