How to Increase Your Credit Score to Over 740 Points - Prepare for a Small Business Bank Loan
An excellent credit score is now considered to be 740 points or higher. Should you have one credit card or four, pay off your balances every month, or carry a balance? Should you carry a credit card even though you have not used it in years? The answers to these questions may surprise you when it comes to increasing your credit score. Having good credit is important in being able to obtain a business loan to start or expand your small business. We will discuss how to read a credit report and what factors are used in calculating your FICO or Beacon score. Learn the legal tricks credit bureaus do not reveal on how to raise your score simply by the way you use your credit cards, treat inquiries, make your payments, and carry balances. Information about the importance of maintaining good credit and the positive financial consequences it produces will be included. Using several proven methods, your credit score could increase by 50-100 points or more within 60 days. Make plans to attend now! This is a required event to earn the Wilson SBC Entrepreneur Academy certificate.
Speaker: Bob Moore
Register by: 4:00 PM February 18
To register, visit
Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Wilson Community College
Small Business Center
Lee Technology Center
Building R, Room R161
4815 Ward Blvd.
Wilson, NC 27893
Free Event
Contact Information
Wilson Community College Small Business Center | Phone 252-246-1209 or 252-246-1232 or 252-246-1306
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